Saturday, 24 September 2011

Who is testing

I have been on who is testing since the beginning of August. I checked my junk folder today and realised that all the creatives that have been messaging me the emails have gone straight to my junk and only can access the last week. Anyone that messaged me previous to this has unfortunately been auto deleted as I didn't know.

If I have not replied this is the most likely scenario. I will now keep a check on this!
Please email again if anyone has any questions and sorry for the inconvenience. X

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Ideas ready to shoot

It has been to long since I did a photo shoot. It seems the more I plan the more gets cancelled due to various reasons.. mainly weather! Hoping the next weekend after my break away I can get back into it. Got so many ideas stuck in my head, ready to be put into photos! The year seems to be flying by.